This tourist attraction is sick.
A UK tourist came across a COVID-19-themed park with pathogenic “googly eyes” sculptures and more while exploring Vietnam, as seen in photos that are going viral – in every sense of the word – online.
“It was such a strange experience,” Ella Ribak, 29, told South West News Service detailing the dystopian retreat, which he discovered during a visit to Southeast Asia in 2022.
The Briton, who runs advertising in London, was exploring Da Lat when she came across an attraction called Tuyen Lam Lake National Tourist Complex. This site was home to four themed areas, one of which was controversially named “The COVID-19 Park”.
Photos of the strange sculpture park show pathogenic figures with strange eyes, two of which are engaged in a humorous boxing match. Others were smoking shish kebabs, doing jail time or attending a court case presided over by a “Judge Judy” facsimile.
Meanwhile, another viral spot is seen pulling a wheelbarrow with the “dying earth” as a three-dimensional political cartoon.
Most disturbing was a creepy timeline clock in which each number was replaced with symbols of the coronavirus pandemic, including a face mask, a vaccine and a person in a hazmat suit disinfecting an area.
While he initially found the attractions a bit apocalyptic, Ribak quickly saw the humorous side.
“The watch at first made the whole thing feel pretty dystopian and the fact that all the sculptures were covered in trees,” she said. “But then when you turn a corner and see a human-sized pathogen with weird eyes locked in a prison, it just becomes funny.”
She added: “The other travelers and I couldn’t stop laughing and we kept looking around to see if any Vietnamese had also found it funny, but they all looked quite serious.”
Of course, it may seem in poor taste to slam a pandemic that killed over 7 million people across the globe.
However, Ribak said she wasn’t sure “how seriously” Disneyland was taking the ailment, explaining, “Obviously it touches on a sensitive subject for some people, but the clay sculptures seemed like such a joke it’s hard to tell.”
She explained that in the end they had “a good time, even if we didn’t get it the way it was intended.”
It is unclear whether the “Covid-19 Park” is open in 2024.
#Traveler #stumbles #strange #COVID19 #theme #park #feels #pretty #dystopian
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